Contact Us/Coutact us
Kwan On Environmental Engineering CO.,LTD.
TEL:853-28717551 (6 lines)
Add:RuaNort Do Parque Industrial Da IlhaVerde,Kwan On Environment Building,Macau
The rainwater collection system in Kwan On Environmental Protection Building collects rainwater for flushing toilets, watering flowers and general cleaning. LED light tubes installed in the building saves a great deal of energy. We attend Community Chest Walkathon and environmental shows to promote environmental concepts and practices. We also obtained ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 certificates.
As the vice president of Macao Association of Environmental Protection Industry and Macau properties and facilities ManagementAssociation, Our Managing Director Mr. LokSai On also invites students from varies schools in Macau and share his environmental protection experiences and concepts.