Contact Us/Coutact us
Kwan On Environmental Engineering CO.,LTD.
TEL:853-28717551 (6 lines)
Add:RuaNort Do Parque Industrial Da IlhaVerde,Kwan On Environment Building,Macau
1. Flood dischaegr system design, build, retrofit and maintenance, 2020
2. Design flood discharge system, sewage system grinder and screen
3. Flood water pump system design, build, retrofit and maintenance
4. Design, build, installation, operation and maintenance for Integrated pumping station
5. Public sewage system design, retrofit and maintenance 2019, 2020
6. Five star Casino & Hotel swage and rain water discharge system sump pump and control system design, supply, retrofit and maintenance work Phase 1 2016
Before retrofit:
After retrofit:
7. Five star Casino & Hotel sewage piping system design, supply, install retrofit and maintenance work 2016-2017
Before retrofit: After retrofit:
Before retrofit: After retrofit:
8. Five star Casino & Hotel swage system sump pump and control system design, supply, retrofit and maintenance work Phase 2, 2019
Retrofit in process: